Monday, March 5, 2018

It has been three years since I have posted anything to this blog...I'm not sure if anyone will see it, but I want to write anyway.  In those three years we moved to a small (but growing) town south of Denver, my children have grown and one was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I have struggled with Depression and feet issues that just added to my Depression, and my son has been diagnosed with Anxiety/Depression as well.  There have been a lot of downs and few ups.  This past year I feel that I have come a long way in my mental health and in understanding myself.  My sister has started training to become a Hypno-Therapist and I have been blessed to be her guinea pig.   I still struggle with letting hope win and not giving into desperation.  I struggle with enjoying being a mom and I used the internet as a way to "escape", I have felt that I lost myself.  I feel like little by little I am finding my self again, it is very very slow, but as I untangle the thoughts and lies in my head I am replacing them with Truth and faith.  I got lazy with my spiritual health and I am slowing trying to gain that back.  I know that the Lord has given me these specific weakness and gifts for a reason, for my journey, my purpose.  Not to fail, but to excel and succeed. 

1 comment:

MaryAnn said...

Kelli Rae! I'm so excited to see that you blogged. You are super amazing. I think your kids look so much like you. And we're having some of the same mental health struggles as well. Too bad we can't get together and chat!