Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring, Spring, Garden, Spring!!

So today we starting gardening! We planted some of our cool weather plants.

Here are the boys covering up carrot seeds and next to them outside of the box (that Brian built) are spinach and lettuce.
Don't get to grossed out okay...Addy was loving sitting in the garden...which right now is basically our compost strewn all over the garden area. I think she loved all the fun things that were "hidden" in the leaves. And yes she was putting things in her mouth. She is super quick so I took them away whenever I caught her investigating with her mouth. I'm sure some escaped me though.

Isn't she the cutest! I just want to grab that chucky baby and kiss her all over! It is funny how when the boys were her age they did not like the feel of grass or...compost, but Addy loves it all.
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1 comment:

MaryAnn said...

She is soooo cute!