Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hello My Friends

So I'm sorry about the almost month absense. Who knew that three kids could be so time consuming! So this month I have been very busy trying to learn how to live more self-sufficiently. Our garden is growing like crazy...but the only things that we have been getting a lot of are squash. So much squash! We have one carrot growing and I am hoping to let it get huge and then it might make up for his other carrotity friends deciding not to show up. I have also learned how to make jam...not as hard as I thought. (I've been doing a lot of peach jam). A good friend also has been teaching me how to knit and I am working on some stuffed knitted bunnies for the kids for Christmas...(not Zach, I don't think he would enjoy a stuffed bunny...). So I have been ultra busssy. I do have a reason behind all this homemaking madness. It is a book called "Radical Homemakers" Love, love, love this book. I'll have to get on my soap box and explain why on another post. (It could take awhile.) Right now I hear talking kiddies who are suppose to be napping! Being a mother never stops does it?

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