Friday, November 14, 2008

It's been awhile since I have blogged sorry. But I feel as if I have a great excuse and that is my new sweet boy, Kaden! I was really worried about how Spencer would react to Kaden being home. I was pleasantly surprised. He loves having the "baby" around. He is even giving him kisses. Although it looks like he is trying to eat him in this picture. It's been great having my mom and Brian around! I am a little worried about when my mom leaves and Brian goes back to work. But I think I'm healing well, I'm not in too much pain so I guess I'll just suck it up and see how it goes. The wonderful thing is I have other family close and so they are there when I need them and I have the Sisters in my ward to help me too. I love that about our church! People are alway so willing to help. Sometimes I'm really not...I feel bad because I know how good it feels to serve and also to be served. I hope I can give back to those who serve me. So for all of you out there thank you so much! Really, it means a lot to me!
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1 comment:

MaryAnn said...

Congrats on the baby. I'm glad Spencer likes him so much. I love the kissing picture. I see you have a boppy. I absolutely love mine! I always hate when my husband goes back to work after the baby. I'm sure you'll do great!