Monday, August 9, 2010


So I'm reading this book called "Homeschool Your Child for Free"  I actually really like it.  I've been thinking about homeschool for a while.  I feel selfish but the main thing is that I get some time to myself when kids go to school.  I have some time to try and figure this out (Spencer is not even four yet).  I would like to know if anyone has any opinions or ideas on the subject...Mom, I got your email...though I haven't read the article yet...Is the school system really getting so bad that it would be better to teach my kids at home?  I guess the only one that can make this decision is me, but I was curious about what others thought?  MaryAnn, does Brian have an opinion from a teachers' point of view?
And I'm not at all worried about the social part...they will and do get plenty of social opportunities. 


Tee said...

I have considered it myself, but am unsure, just like you. I would suggerst going to the Pioneer Woman blog becasue she homeschools and shares a lot of info about it...good and bad. :)

We sure miss you guys!

Tee said...

Oh... here's the link for her homeschooling section:

MaryAnn said...

Were you planning on homeschooling them for their whole life, or still letting them have the high school experience of sports and proms and things? Brian had a student as a Senior who had always been homeschooled, but really wanted a high school experience. He said she was a smart girl, but a terrible writer. I think some things you just can learn by yourself without someone who is really good at them to teach you. And it's hard to get into the social scene if you haven't been in it.
I think about homeschool sometimes, too. But I also think it is good to send good kids to school so they can stand out and be an example.

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Hi! I have just googled for homeschooling blogs and found you. I have children in public and home school, so all I could tell you is that before you decide, you ought research your state laws (some have stringent regulations) and then decide what is best for YOUR child.

Click under "helpful information." There is an overview of each state's law. Remember that you can always put your child BACK into public school, or withdraw your child FROM public school (some places make you wait until the end of the term, etc. however).