Friday, October 25, 2013

Because of Rain


So because of the rain our basement got some water damage.  It came in through the window and soaked the floor.  The carpet in the basement is super old (and ugly) anyway so we may use the water as an excuse to recarpet the basement. 
Because of the rain a small creek by us rose considerably.  There is usually an island in the middle of the creek, but it was completely covered. And there was an abundance of Crawdads around as well.  We were there for our weekly nature study and met a family with children the same age and sex as ours, and they were LDS and they were in the ward that I was in when I lived with my parents.  Small world.  The kids love this creek, it is like a piece of the country within suburbia. 
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Thursday, October 3, 2013



I have been horrible about keeping regular with this blog,  sorry.  I would like to say that I will try to do better, but I don't think that is going to happen.  Right now school and family are taking a huge chunk of my energy right now.  But I am going to keep posting stuff.  So all these pictures are actually  from July.  There seems to be a lot of sleeping going on in July.  The last picture is Zach.  He wanted to watch a movie and the movie player was on his desk, so he took his mattres off of his bed and hoisted it up on a storage container and propted up the ends with a stool and a box.  And then he fell asleep.  I asked him why he didn't move the movie player instead, he said, " Cause I'm lazy and didn't want to move it."  Hmm...
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Monday, August 12, 2013

Hanging Lake


If anyone is going to be dirty, it is Addy!

We did it!  ( June...kind of late, sorry.)  We hiked to Hanging Lake.  Let me tell you it was crazy hard!  But amazingly beautiful!  I thought I was going to die a couple of times...I actually was wanting to.  It is a little over a mile to the lake...but you climb 1,000ft. in that mile.  The kids were amazing.  When we stopped it was because I needed a break.  The kids only started complaining a bit on the way down.  There are waterfalls all the way up to the lake.  This lake is super clear and then you can climb up to the waterfall that feeds the lake, Spouting Rock.  We did that, and I went under the falls and got wet.  It was FREEZING, as it is basically melted snow, but soo refreshing. I hope we can continue to hike.  Why not?  We do live in Colorado! 
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Monday, July 22, 2013

Happenings in June

Spencer made numbers for them to on sports jerseys.

Andrea got married!  His name is Jay and he is GREAT!  They were married in the Denver Temple.  I love how she looked on her wedding!

Spencer found a feather and wanted to write with it.  So he stuck it in a straw and stuck the straw on a pencil...and he wrote with a feather.

Silliness!  I love these guys!
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Early days with Connor

Brian and the kids made this sign for when we brought Connor home from the hospital. 

Connor is so lucky to have so many helpful and loving siblings.  Even though he is now almost 2 months old they still love to help. 

I think he is geting more air bubbles then milk but it was so sweet to see her trying to help him. 
Even though I am so tired all the time and I sometimes feel like I'm running around like a headless chicken, I love being a mom!  I love these kids so much!  They are all so unique and wonderful.  I feel very blessed to be able to be their mom.  I can 't wait to see what the future brings.  Even if it is not the easiest future I know that it will be for the good and the strengthening of this family.  As long as I am trying my hardest (which will be different each time)  to follow God I can count on him to do what is best for my family. 
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Monday, May 6, 2013

Pictures from the Hospital

This is Connor minutes after he was born.  He is my smallest baby yet.  A whole 7 lbs! 

And this is lovely me, about 30 mintues after the birth.  I know, seeing this picture doesn't produce the same effect as the one above...

My cute little family. 

My sweet boy, the last one. :(  Although it makes me feel very sad to know that this is the last, I do not feel sad at not experiencing pregnancy again!   If we feel there are more children for our family then we will adopt. 
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Friday, March 29, 2013



Two of my favorite people.  Aren't they both super cute...daddy is going to be in trouble in a couple years.  :)

And here is me a few days ago...three more days!!!
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