Sunday, October 14, 2012



These are some pictures of school with the kids.  This was at the beginning of the school year...we are now working on letter sounds and some math stuff.  We are following (loosely) My Father's World.  I decided to get a curriculum this year, since I have no idea what I am doing.  I am glad that I did, it has helped me see what I like and don't like and what works for Spencer and what doesn't. 
I'm trying to focus on living and living skills and story reading/telling more then academics right now.  We are doing academic stuff but I don't push it too hard if he is fighting it.  So far Spencer is really enjoying himself.  I've also been able to deviate from the lesson books some without feeling bad or guilty.  Like tomorrow (we'll see how I feel:  I'm still experiencing "morning" sickness.) we are going to make an apple pie.  Spencer has been asking how one is made, so we will try tomorrow.  So far I love how relaxed our days can be.  I don't have to worry about getting him ready and out the door for class.  Spencer and Kaden are building a stronger relationship with each other.  So far homeschooling has been good. 
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